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Our Address

SevenM Technologies Private Limited
508, Saltee Plaza, 1 Khudiram Bose Sarani
Kolkata 700080, West Bengal

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+91 33 4001 0000
+91 33 6902 8737

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Authorized Channel Partners

We have a strong pan-India presence with our channel partner network.

About scanix Channel Partner Programme

scanix Channel Partner Programme is a unique programme enabling better reach of products and services to the Education sector via the Channel Partner Route. Our channel partners are truly our partners in success.

Institutes already associated with us

RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System
RFID Attendance System, QR Attendance System

Happy Clients

Channel Partners

Years of Experience

Strong Team

Futuristic Attendance